Personality Testing (MMPI)

MMPI Test in Freeport, IL

Dr. Patricia Egan, Licensed Clinical Psychologist in Freeport, IL is certified to administer the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory or MMPI test. This test is one of the most widely recognized and used tests on the market. We can use the results of these tests to help in various capacities, from helping develop treatment plans, screen job candidates and even be used to answer legal questions that have to do with forensic psychology. Schedule your appointment today to discuss the benefits of personality testing. 
Dr. Patricia Egan, Licensed Clinical Psychologist in Freeport, IL is certified to administer the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory or MMPI test. This test is one of the most widely recognized and used tests on the market. We can use the results of these tests to help in various capacities, from helping develop treatment plans, screen job candidates and even be used to answer legal questions that have to do with forensic psychology. Schedule your appointment today to discuss the benefits of personality testing. 
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