IQ Testing

IQ Test in Freeport, IL

Dr. Patricia Egan, Licensed Clinical Psychologist in Freeport, IL offers IQ testing for both adults and children. We proudly administer the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale - IV and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
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There are many reasons to have your IQ tested that will help you understand your brain and help you make choices. Some of the benefits are:
It helps establish your Brain's Benchmark
We can discover what your cognitive strengths and weaknesses are
It can help you make wiser career and education choices
Brain and light bulb concept — Psychological Testing in Freeport, IL
We can understand how well thought-out your thinking process is
Identify Learning Disabilities
Measure Your Child's development using the IQ testing as well as behavioral checklists we use for parents and teachers
It helps establish your Brain's Benchmark
We can discover what your cognitive strengths and weaknesses are
It can help you make wiser career and education choices
Brain and light bulb concept — Psychological Testing in Freeport, IL
We can understand how well thought-out your thinking process is
Identify Learning Disabilities
Measure Your Child's development using the IQ testing as well as behavioral checklists we use for parents and teachers
Contact our office today for more information and to set up your testing. 
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